- P-ISSN 1738-656X
KDI 정책연구. Vol. 26, No. 2, December 2004, pp. 63-104
Economists have long been involved in various studies, theoretical and empirical, on the economic gains from innovative activities and as their outcome, intellectual properties. In Korea, however, research in this field has experienced rather slow progress, partly due to the lack of data availability and the awareness of its importance. This study attempts to measure the economic impact of patents on market value of firms from a microeconomic point of view. Analyses are performed to examine the ex-ante market valuation of patent acquisition activities by investigating the effect of patent acquisitions on daily stock prices as well as on annual market values. The study on the effect of a disclosure of granted patents on daily stock prices reveals that the economic value of a firm's patent acquisition is fairly high. The study on listed firms also reveals that a firm's patent registration stock has a positive and statistically significant effect on its year-end market value. Therefore, it can be concluded that the analysis performed in this study supports the validity of Korea's current patent system. The result, however, does not guarantee the optimality of current system. Studies on various aspects of intellectual property should follow to shape the system into a socially optimal one.
특허(Patent), 연구개발(R&D), 시장가치(Market Value)
O31, O33, G12, G14