KDI Journal of Economic Policy, December 1981
Vol.3, No.4 1981-12-30
Government Finance and Budgetary Issues (Written in Korean)
박종기 (pp.2-19)
Cost-Push and Monetarist Inflation Models of the Korean Economy (Written in Korean)
남상우 (pp.20-43)
An Analysis of Wage Differential According to Firm Size (Written in Korean)
박훤구 (pp.44-63)
Effects of National Welfare Pension Schemes on the Labor Market (Written in Korean)
연하청 (pp.64-84)
An Analysis of the Regional Distribution and Characteristics of the Poor (Written in Korean)
김종기 (pp.85-99)
A Food Security Reserve Program for the Stabilization of Food Grain Supply and Demand (Written in Korean)
유병서 (pp.100-122)
Korea's Export-Oriented Industrialization Strategy : Performance and Emerging Issues (Written in Korean)
김광석 (pp.123-137)
Estimation of GNP Growth and Equilibrium Inflation Rate (Written in Korean)
이선 (pp.138-153)
Freight Rate Structure : Problems and Policies in Korea (Written in Korean)
임호규 (pp.154-170)