- P-ISSN 1738-656X
한국개발연구. Vol. 31, No. 2, December 2009, pp. 87-126
In the internet portal industry, the indirect network externality from portal visitors to advertisers and the direct network externality among portal visitors have important implications for anti-trust policies. This paper examines the existence and the magnitude of the direct/indirect network externality in the Korean internet portal industry and measures its effect on the market power of the internet portals. The results show that the direct/indirect network externality is substantive in the industry hence the market share of a portal in the visitors' side has the ‘leverage’ effect on its market power in the advertisers’side.
네트워크 외부성(Network Externality), 시장력(Market Power), 인터넷 서비스(Internet Service), 경쟁정책(Competition Policy)
L13, L44, L86