- P-ISSN 1738-656X
- E-ISSN 2586-4130
한국개발연구. Vol. 36, No. 4, November 2014, pp. 171-205
This paper investigates the manner in which house prices affect macroeconomic variables through a house price channel by applying the method of Iacoviello (2005) to Korean data, and establishing a DSGE model with complementarity. This paper found that higher LTV ratio coupled with stronger complementarity results in the co-movement in both consumption and housing. For instance, the results show that when the LTV ratio and complementarity stands respectively at 50% and 0.42, an 1% rise in house prices increases consumption by 0.057%, and when the complementarity parameter increases to 0.52 with LTV remains unchanged at 50%, consumption rises by 0.047% per 1% increase in house prices. An increase in house prices leads credit constraints for borrowers to become more loose as value of a house rises as a collateral. The increase in household credit enables more consumer spending, eventually leading to increased consumption. A key link in which house prices are connected to macroeconomic variables is change in consumption. To put it simply, a rise in house prices leads to an increase in consumption, which consequently impacts the overall macro-economy. At this point, complementarity is found, in that the elasticity of intra-temporal substitution between housing and consumption is estimated at 0.42, which plays an important role in the house price channel by amplifying the effects of house prices on consumption.
주택가격(House Price), 소비(Consumption), 동태적⋅확률적 일반균형모형(DSGE Model), 보완재(Complements)
C1, C10, D50, E30, E44, E52, G10, G12, R21